Collin Borow
Collin is a professional photographer, videographer, and audio specialist with a passion for creative cinematography and unique storytelling. With over 8 years of professional experience, no project is too big, too small, or too difficult. Collin & Casey have been creative partners for over 6 years, having worked on a variety of projects you'll find linked on our Home page.
Collin's background in customer service provides him with the ability to uniquely understand and communicate effectively with his clients to produce content that is above and beyond their expectations.
Casey Owens
Casey is a highly motivated professional videographer & editor. There is nothing she loves more than bringing an idea to life while producing it into a high-quality piece of content. 
With an extensive background in all aspects of video production & media, Casey will not settle for anything less than the best possible product for her clients. She is always eager for the next project!
Annette Roldan
Production Coordinator
Annette is a lover of storytelling, to-do lists, and excel sheets, making her our perfect Production Coordinator. She has a highly experienced background in live talk television and has always had a passion for producing content.
In charge of organization and coordination of every production, Annette is your go-to contact when it comes to any comments or concerns for your project.
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